Basic Korean Language Level 2

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Name: Basic Korean Language Level 2
Date: November 27, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Event Description:
Level 2 class builds upon the level one class.  This course is suitable for beginners in Korean language or who have had very little contact with the Korean language. The program will teach basic Korean listening, speaking, writing and reading. Korean language and culture will be introduced throughout the course in a seamless manner.
Registration and $60 class fee required in advance.  Registration is in the library administration offices.
Cash and check payments only. Checks should be made out to class instructor (Ja Rim Jung).
Cartersville Public Library Classroom
429 W Main St NW 
Cartersville GA 
Date/Time Information:
Wednesdays in November (6-27th)
Contact Information:
Adult Services Coordinator
Registration and $60 class fee required in advance.  Registration is in the library administration offices.
Cash and check payments only. Checks should be made out to class instructor (Ja Rim Jung).
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Cartersville-Bartow County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 307, Cartersville, GA 30120 – (770) 382-1466 –