The Pettit Environmental Preserve

  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Educational Resources
29 Vineyard Rd
Dallas, GA 30132
(678) 848-4179
(678) 302-2074 (fax)
By appointment only for any group of 16 or more.
2nd Sat monthly public hikes listed on website
  • About

    Environmental education for Pre-K-Grade 12 thru onsite school field trip & Scout programs that emphasize hands on learning. Quarterly public hikes highlight fun nature themes for all ages.

  • Directions

    From C'ville Take Hwy 113/61 South; LEFT on Hwy 61 @ airport. Take Hwy 61 for 3.8 mi, then LEFT on Douthit Bridge Rd (Birchwood subdiv) Road turns gravel; at fork take RIGHT, then 1.6 mi to parking