Microsoft Excel 2019 - Level II

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Name: Microsoft Excel 2019 - Level II
Date: January 17, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Event Description:
This course introduces Excel functionality for enhancing your worksheets for presentation purposes or for printing. Students will learn how to use the Page Setup tools to adjust their worksheets with custom margins, page orientation, page breaks, and headers and footers. They will learn how to sort large spreadsheets; how to filter data and create advanced filters; how to group and summarize data; and how to insert subtotals. How to manage data within multiple worksheets and workbooks and how to link that data with formulas and named cells will also be covered, as well as a few more functions, including the IF function and the DATE and PMT functions. Prerequisite: Excel I or equivalent knowledge
Georgia Highlands College Cartersville Campus
5441 Highway 20, NE
​Cartersville, GA 30121
Date/Time Information:
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Contact Information:
Whitney Puckett
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